Banking Is Only The Beginning: 30 Big Industries Blockchain Could Transform
Emma Miller
Blockchain tech could affect many industries.
Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are made possible by what's known as blockchain technology. Blockchain is essentially a global...
Bitinka la empresa peruana que crece sobre tecnología blockchain
Se suele decir que los peruanos no somos muy innovadores en uso de la tecnología y en lugar de crear, nos dedicamos solo a...
The First Annual Toronto FinTech Academic Conference
The Annual Toronto FinTech Conference
We are pleased to announce that our founder, Dr. Salvatore Moccia, will be present at the First Fintech Academic Conference...
The Future of Payments in Thailand
As of December 2016 there were 15 million internet banking users and 20.8 million mobile banking users in Thailand according to central bank statistics....
Entrevista a Alejandro Amicone de Accenture Perú
El desafío que hoy está en la mesa de los Gerentes Generales es hacer que sus organizaciones sean ágiles y no sólo lo sean...
Mc Kinsey: What next for blockchain?
Bitcoin isn’t mainstream yet, and some skepticism of the digital currency remains. But the buzz surrounding the technology underlying it—blockchains—has started to take a...
University of Melbourne first in Australia to use blockchain for student records
by Tim Dodd
In an Australian first, the University of Melbourne will soon test blockchain technology to record student credentials, allowing people to...
Las cinco influencias de las Fintech en las finanzas
. Las Fintech, plataformas tecnológicas que ayudan a las transacciones financieras, es una tendencia que genera mayor inclusión financiera e influencia directa en los...
“Bancos deben conectarse con las fintech y aprender de ellas”
Por Nicolás Castillo
La participación de las firmas tecnológicas en algunos servicios de los bancos no representaría una amenaza para la industria bancaria, afirma Javier Salinas,...
How Blockchain will Change the Future of Financial Service Sector?
By Toni Xhufi
The technology that is likely to have an enormous impact on the future of the world economy has arrived and it is...
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UF AWARDS LATAM 2024: Nominate your Brokerage or B2B Fintech Brand Before it’s too...
As nominations for the widely talked-about UF AWARDS LATAM 2024 are rapidly approaching the end date, excitement among fintech and online trading industry players...
What will the future of Cybersecurity bring?
By Kevin Smith on February 1, 2024
Our world is reliant on technology. It shapes and influences nearly everything we do—from the moment we wake up until we...
The future of financial planning lies in AI and Blockchain
AI and blockchain could assist in decisions involving investments, taxes and insurance, and open new avenues for income. But financial advisors will still play...